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Tenet Oracle Architecture

Tenet Oracle's architecture is designed to provide a secure and decentralized framework for connecting smart contracts with off-chain resources.


  • Oracles: Act as data feeds for smart contracts.
  • Node Operators: Maintain the Tenet Oracle nodes.
  • Aggregators: Combine data from different oracles to ensure accuracy.

How it Works

Tenet Oracle utilizes a network of nodes to fetch, validate, and deliver data to smart contracts.

Basic Request Model

Tenet Oracle connects smart contracts with external data using its decentralized oracle network. Tenet Oracle API requests are handled 1:1 by an oracle.

The Basic Request Model describes the on-chain architecture of requesting data from a single oracle source.

Decentralized Data Model

For a more robust and trustworthy answer, you can aggregate data from many oracles. With on-chain aggregation, data is aggregated from a decentralized network of independent oracle nodes. This architecture is applied to Tenet Oracle Data Feeds, which can aggregate data such as asset price data.

The Decentralized Data Model describes how data is aggregated, and how consumer contracts can retrieve this data.

Off-Chain Reporting

Off-Chain Reporting (OCR) is an improvement on the decentralization and scalability of Tenet Oracle networks. With our Off-Chain Reporting aggregators, all nodes communicate using a peer to peer network. During the communication process, a lightweight consensus algorithm runs where each node reports its price observation and signs it. A single aggregate transaction is then transmitted, which saves a significant amount of gas.