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Staking Contract

Contract address: 0x1559000000000000000000000000000000000001

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity ^0.8.12;

struct Coin {
address token;
uint256 amount;

struct Validator {
address addr;
uint256 stake;
uint256 commission;
bool present;

struct Delegation {
address delegator;
address validator;
uint256 amount;

@title Staking Interface
@dev This interface facilitates interaction with the Staking Module in the cosmos-sdk by providing staking-related functions.
interface Staking {
@dev Get the delegated amount of a specific token by a delegator to a validator.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@param _delegator The address of the delegator.
@return The amount of tokens delegated by the specified delegator to the given validator.
function delegation(
address _validator,
address _delegator
) external view returns (uint256 amount);

@dev Get the list of delegations made by a delegator.
@param _delegator The address of the delegator.
@param _page The page number of the delegation list (starting from 1).
@param _perPage The number of delegations per page.
@return The list of delegations made by the specified delegator.
function delegations(
address _delegator,
uint8 _page,
uint8 _perPage
) external view returns (Delegation[] memory list, uint256 totalCount);

@dev Get total delegated amount by a delegator.
@param _delegator The address of the delegator.
@return The total amount of tokens delegated by the specified delegator.
function totalDelegation(
address _delegator
) external view returns (uint256 amount);

@dev Get total stake of the validator.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@return The total stake of the given validator.
function validatorStake(
address _validator
) external view returns (uint256 amount);

@dev Get total stake of the network.
@return The total stake of the network.
function totalStake() external view returns (uint256 amount);

@dev Get the list of validators.
@return The list of validators.
function validators() external view returns (Validator[] memory list);

@dev Get total signed blocks count by a validator.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@return The amount of blocks signed by the given validator.
function validatorSignedBlocks(
address _validator
) external view returns (uint256 count);

@dev Get total signed blocks count by all validators.
@return The amount of blocks signed by all validators.
function totalSignedBlocks() external view returns (uint256 count);

@dev Get commission of validator.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@return Commission rate of the given validator (with 18 decimals).
function validatorCommission(
address _validator
) external view returns (uint256 commission);

@dev Delegate a specific amount of tokens to a validator on behalf of the caller.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@return The new number of shares obtained after delegation.
function delegate(
address _validator
) external payable returns (uint256 newShares);

@dev Redelegate a specific amount of tokens from one validator to another on behalf of the caller.
@param _fromValidator The address of the source validator.
@param _toValidator The address of the target validator.
@param _amount The amount of tokens to be redelegated.
@return The completion time for the redelegate operation.
function redelegate(
address _fromValidator,
address _toValidator,
uint256 _amount
) external returns (uint256 completionTime);

@dev Undelegate a specific amount of tokens from a validator on behalf of the caller. The tokens will be available to the caller after the UnbondingPeriod.
@param _to The address where the tokens will be sent after the unbonding period.
@param _validator The address of the validator from which tokens will be undelegated.
@param _amount The amount of tokens to be undelegated.
@return The completion time for the undelegate operation.
function undelegate(
address _to,
address _validator,
uint256 _amount
) external returns (uint256 completionTime);

@dev Undelegate a specific amount of shares (cosmos-sdk's native units of delegation) from a validator on behalf of the caller.
@param _to The address where the shares will be sent after the unbonding period.
@param _validator The address of the validator from which shares will be undelegated.
@param _shares The amount of shares to be undelegated.
@return The completion time for the undelegate operation.
function undelegateShares(
address _to,
address _validator,
uint256 _shares
) external returns (uint256 completionTime);

@dev Undelegate a specific portion (percentage) of the delegation from a validator on behalf of the caller.
@param _to The address where the undelegated portion will be sent after the unbonding period.
@param _validator The address of the validator from which the portion will be undelegated.
@param _portion The portion to be undelegated, represented as a uint256 value by multiplying the decimal number by 1e18.
@return The completion time for the undelegate operation.
function undelegatePortion(
address _to,
address _validator,
uint256 _portion
) external returns (uint256 completionTime);

@dev Claim delegation rewards from a validator for a specific token on behalf of the caller.
@param _validator The address of the target validator.
@return An array of Coin struct representing the claimed rewards, where coin.token will be address(0) if the reward is in the base token.
function claimDelegationRewards(
address _validator
) external returns (Coin[] memory coins);