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Connect to MetaMask and Keplr


To interact with the Tenet blockchain, you can use MetaMask, a popular wallet browser extension that launched with Ethereum. Once connected to Tenet, you can use Metamask to manage your Tenet accounts and interact with dApps on Tenet.

Connect to Mainnet

If you don't have MetaMask installed, go to the MetaMask website and install the extension for your browser. Once installed, click the button below to connect your Metamask wallet with Tenet Mainnet using Chainlist.

Chainlist helps you connect to the Tenet Blockchain. It provides an overview of RPC nodes that you can connect to. The purpose of RPC nodes is to allow applications and users to communicate with a Blockchain network. RPC nodes listen for requests, respond with the necessary data, or execute the requested transaction.

Click Add to Metamask to connect to the standard provider or choose from a list of RPC Server providers by clicking Connect Wallet next to the address.

Once you've connected to an RPC Server, you're ready to go and can start using Tenet. If you run into any issues, you can switch your RPC endpoint, and you should be good to go.

Connect to Testnet

You might want to connect your wallet to the Tenet Testnet to interact with dApps that havn't launched on Mainnet yet. Click the button below to connect your Metamask wallet with Tenet Testnet using Chainlist:

Connect to Local Node

You can also connect Metamask to a local node, which is useful if you are planning on developing on Tenet locally.

Open the MetaMask extension on your browser and log in to your MetaMask account if you are not already. Then click the top right circle and go to Settings > Networks > Add Network and fill the form as shown below.

Here is the list of fields that you can use to paste on Metamask:

  • Network Name:
  • New RPC URL:
  • Chain ID:
  • Currency Symbol (optional):
  • Block Explorer URL (optional): n/a

Importing Accounts

If you own the private key to an account, you can import it to Metamask to use the account on Tenet. Go to My Accounts (top right circle) and select Import Account.


If it takes some time to load the balance of the account, change the network to Main Ethereum Network (or any other than Localhost 8545) and then switch back.

Download Account State

To see your Metamask logs, click the top right circle and go to Settings > Advanced > State Logs. If you search through the JSON file for the account address you'll find the transaction history.

Reset Account

If you used your Metamask account for a legacy testnet/mainnet upgrade, you will need to reset your account in order to use it with the new network. This will clear your account's transaction history, but it won't change the balances in your accounts or require you to re-enter your Secret Recovery Phrase.


Make sure you download your account state to persist public account addresses and transactions before clearing your wallet accounts.

Go to Settings > Advanced and click the Reset Account button.